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A single, revolutionary app that unites the worlds of fitness and gaming in seamless harmony - this is Sweaty Gamer.
As self proclaimed ‘sweaty gamers’ ourselves, we understand the sedentary nature of gaming, where people can easily find themselves lost for hours at a time in their games. Left unchecked, the negative effects on health and wellbeing, especially in children and younger people, can seriously outweigh the benefits of playing video games.

Silver Star Badge.

In our search to solve this problem through means that were both safe and designed to promote long term health, and driven by our founder’s passion for fitness and an active lifestyle, Sweaty Gamer was born. Our mission? To make gaming ‘healthier’ and reward passionate gamers for their hard work on and offline.

Sweaty Gamer brings together the best of the fitness and gaming worlds to help promote a healthy, active lifestyle, whilst allowing gamers to get more from their gaming experience than ever before. Our app is the first of its kind, operating on a tiered subscription service to tailor your user experience. Sweaty Gamer is the perfect tool for helping parents to proactively monitor your child’s playtime, but also to help incentivise exercise and gaming with your choice of rewards - any gamer will tell you there’s nothing better than trophies and achievements!

How Does it WOrk?

So, how does it work? Through the app, there are two different account types: a linked parent (admin) and a child account, and a solo gamer option. The parent account will let you oversee and safeguard your child’s playtime on their gaming system of choice, as well as setting them challenges and exercises to complete. The app contains a range of pre-loaded activities devised by our fitness professionals; Sweaty Gamer promotes healthy habits through core exercises that don’t require a gym membership - they can all be done in and around the comfort of your own home! Solo gamers have their own pre-set Sweaty Gamer sessions courtesy of our fitness experts, but are free to add extra challenges to help them on their fitness and gaming journey.


Alternatively, you can even create your own custom challenges to be completed. These are then loaded into the child’s linked account, where they then can accept these challenges, and earn rewards for completing them and their gaming, in the form of console specific or admin customised rewards.

At Sweaty Gamer, we understand the importance of keeping the fun in gaming, but we’re also aware of the responsibility that comes with maintaining a positive, healthy lifestyle as well. By upgrading fitness from an easily missed side quest to an enjoyable main mission for young gamers, parents can play a more active role in helping develop these healthy habits and all the positive physical and mental benefits that come with them.


Join the gaming fitness revolution - become a Sweaty Gamer today.

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